Our Work

Client:Scottish Government
Brief:6 Essential Actions to Improve Unscheduled Care is a programme run by the Scottish Government designed to improve emergency and urgent care across Scotland. We were appointed to write case studies highlighting the work that hospitals are doing to implement some of the recommendations. There are six in total. Each case study highlighted one of the recommendations and was branded accordingly.
What we did:We interviewed key personnel involved in the improvement programme and wrote an in-depth case study. The case studies were printed in booklets which were handed at out NHS Scotland events and published on the Scottish Government website.

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Scottish Government 1
Client:The British Council
Brief:The British Council runs programmes globally to improve the life chances of people in disadvantaged communities. We were appointed to write case studies outlining some of their projects in the Middle East and North Africa.
What we did:We interviewed international organisations, British Council representatives, colleges in the UK and participants in the programmes to hear about the work and its impact. The case studies were published on the British Council website.

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British Council
Brief:The Productive Series is a flagship improvement programme for the NHS. There are many different variants, including The Productive Ward, Productive Community Services and The Productive Operating Theatre. We were appointed by the NHS Institute for Innovation & Improvement to produce a series of case studies focusing on NHS Trusts that were implementing the Productives programmes. The case studies focused on telling the improvement story, explaining the impact that the work was having and highlighting what Trusts had learned along the way.
What we did:We interviewed frontline staff, managers and, in some cases, patients. The case studies were written in Plain English to make them accessible to the widest possible audience. They were used in trade press and on websites.

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NHS - Productive Ward
Client:Health Education England
Brief:We were appointed by Health Education England to write a report for the Commission on Education and Training for Patient Safety. The report set out the commission’s recommendations for education and training in the NHS over the next 10 years with the aim of improving patient safety. We recommended including case studies as a way of strengthening the argument for change. Some highlighted good practice and others showed how organisations are learning from adverse events.
What we did:Alongside the commission, we visited all of the main geographical areas of the UK to hear presentations from the Local Education Training Boards about patient safety improvement initiatives in their area. The best of these were written as case studies for inclusion in the report.

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Health Education England report
Client: NHS
Brief: A priority for health and social care organisations is to provide a more integrated approach to care. We were asked to write a series of case studies about health and social care organisations that are working together to provide a more positive experience for end users and more cost-effective use of resources.
What we did: We interviewed frontline staff, managers and, in some cases, patients. The case studies were written in Plain English to make them accessible to the widest possible audience. They were used in trade press and on websites.

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Client:Regional Development Agencies
Brief:One of the remits of the Regional Development Agencies was to attract inward investment from overseas and other parts of the UK into their region. We wrote a series of case studies for the West Midlands and South West RDAs to support this objective. The clients were keen to feature successful companies in their region and to illustrate how the area was contributing to this success.
What we did:We interviewed organisations in the region that were at the forefront of their industry. Some of these organisations represented homegrown talent while others had chosen to locate their business in the region from overseas. We asked them how the region was contributing to their business growth. This information was used to create informative case studies containing positive quotes that could be used in other marketing material and display panels.

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SWRDA Renewables hotsheet 2
Client: The British Chambers of Commerce
Brief: The Export Marketing Research Scheme is a support scheme for UK exporters to encourage them to research a potential overseas market before committing to do business there. We wrote case studies about the scheme over a 10-year period. These were featured in newsletters and international trade press.
What we did: We interviewed the Managing Directors, CEOs or Business Development Directors of companies that had used the scheme to support their export marketing research. Some of these companies had gone ahead with their export plans in the light of their research findings while others had chosen to focus their attentions elsewhere after discovering that the market for their product or service was small or fraught with potential problems. Both outcomes demonstrated the value of the scheme.

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Client: Department of Education
Brief: Aiming High for Young People was an initiative from the Department of Education to give young people in disadvantaged areas constructive things to do in their leisure time to encourage personal growth. We wrote case studies about several of its flagship schemes, the Youth Opportunities Fund, Do It 4 Real and Positive Activities for Young People.
What we did: Working with information supplied by the Department of Education, we wrote lively, informative case studies highlighting the experience of young people who participated in these initiatives. The stories were inspiring and several were very moving.

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Client: UK Trade & Investment
Brief: We were commissioned to write a guide to the UK’s thriving food and drink sector aimed at inward investors. The aim was to showcase the UK as an ideal investment location for overseas companies. As part of the guide, we wrote and edited case studies profiling successful food and drink companies from overseas currently working in the UK.
What we did: Using information supplied by UKTI and some interviews with the companies involved we wrote case studies highlighting the work of successful food and drink businesses. Wherever we could we tied the case studies in with UKTI’s key messages – for example, highlighting the availability of well-qualified people for recruitment.

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Client:Ambulatory Emergency Care Network
Brief:Ambulatory Emergency Care is a pioneering approach to unscheduled care, which aims to combat the growing problem of over-demand in hospital emergency departments. We have been working with the Ambulatory Emergency Care Network since its inception, writing case studies to illustrate how NHS Trusts are improving unscheduled care with the support of the Network. These case studies are used in trade press and on websites.
What we did:We interviewed the improvement teams, as well as frontline staff, managers and patients. We wrote the improvement story in Plain English to appeal to a wide audience of NHS staff. We also wrote a compilation of case studies that was specifically aimed at nurses.

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AEC Nursing Case Study
Client:Acute Frailty Network
Brief:The Acute Frailty Network supports people with frailty and urgent care needs to get home sooner and to avoid some of the challenges that a prolonged hospital stay can create. Trusts that get things right for its most frail and vulnerable patients, by default, will get it right for most of its other patients. We have been working with the Acute Frailty Network since its inception, writing case studies to illustrate what NHS Trusts are doing to improve the care of frail patients. These case studies are used in trade press and on websites.
What we did:We interviewed the improvement teams, as well as frontline staff, managers and patients. We wrote the improvement story in Plain English to appeal to a wide audience of NHS staff.

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Acute Frailty Network Case Study Compilation
Client: NHS
Brief: Experience Based Design (EBD) asks staff and service users to identify and implement changes that will make a positive difference to their experience of giving and receiving care. We were appointed to write more than 20 case studies, some of which were used in The EBD Book, which is aimed at NHS staff.
What we did: We interviewed frontline staff, improvement teams and managers, as well as patients involved in improvement. We were keen to hear what they did and why, how they overcame challenges and what difference the improvement work has made.

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Client: NHS
Brief: High Impact Actions is an NHS improvement initiative. It identified a number of key actions that the NHS could take to make significant improvements to the experience of patients and to increase productivity. We were appointed to write case studies for two of the High Impact Actions.
What we did: We visited a number of flagship hospitals around the UK and interviewed frontline staff about their work. We wrote case studies that were featured in the High Impact Actions reports and on the website.

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Client: UK Trade & Investment
Brief: We were appointed to write a report summarizing the findings of a study by the Institute of Directors concerning attitudes to export among UK companies. From Surviving to Thriving highlighted growing confidence in export as the UK emerged from the recession. We wrote several case studies about successful exporters to illustrate key concepts in the report.
What we did: We interviewed companies identified by UKTI as having a positive export story to tell. We then wrote short case studies to illustrate key points in the report.

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Client: UK Renal Registry
Brief: In the UK every year up to 100,000 deaths in hospital are associated with Acute Kidney Injury. Up to 30% of these deaths are preventable. Think Kidneys is the campaign from the UK Renal Registry to raise awareness of Acute Kidney Injury. We were appointed to write case studies focusing on Trusts and care homes that are improving the diagnosis and treatment of Acute Kidney Injury. The aim was to share best practice and consolidate learning.
What we did: We interviewed frontline staff involved in improving the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Acute Kidney Injury. The case studies were written in Plain English for a wide-ranging audience of NHS and care home staff.

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Client: UK Renal Registry
Brief: As part of our work to support the Think Kidneys campaign to raise awareness of Acute Kidney Injury among NHS and care home staff, we were briefed to write an in-depth academic article for The Nursing Times. The 4,000 word article, focusing on the experiences of one NHS Trust in South Derbyshire, was published in May 2017.
What we did: We carried out extensive interviews with the Acute Kidney Injury improvement team in South Derbyshire as well as representatives from Think Kidneys. The article was written in an academic style, according to Nursing Times guidelines.

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