Contact me for help with:
- Blogging – weekly or monthly blogs on specialist subjects, ranging from orthopaedics to interiors. Ideal content for websites, social media and forums.
- Case studies – success stories and stories that showcase the difference your organisation makes. A way to raise your profile and share best practice
- Website copy and online content – including SEO. A professionally written and designed website is a basic essential for all commercial and professional organisations. And it needs to be kept up to date.
- Articles – consumer features, in-depth academic articles and technical articles for trade journals.
- Press releases – with a background in PR and journalism, I’ve both sent and received thousands of press releases. I know what works. Talk to me about how to maximise your chances of press coverage.
- Training and educational materials – engaging training modules, workbooks and handouts.
- Reports – including in-depth reports and recommendations for government, and annual reports.
- Technical information – including corporate guides and manuals.
- Journalism – a newspaper reporter and wellbeing editor for a popular magazine.
- Newsletters
- Tenders and bids – successful bid writer with a proven track record, I have successfully tendered for several large government contracts.
- Award entries – a client gain a place in the finals of a national award as a result of my award entry.
- Promotional copy – including emails, flyers and e-shots.
- Talks – as a TED speaker, I know how to write a deliver a compelling talk.
- Video scripts – crisp, clear content and voiceover scripts.
- Brochures – marketing material that captures who you are, what you do and why you do it.
- Editing – sense-checking, providing a consistent voice and tone, and writing in Plain English. Checking grammar and spelling. Proofreading.
- Copy consultancy, training and mentoring – advice, guidance and support to help you create compelling content.